Roam the Planet
(around the world in a blog balloon)

Friday, May 12, 2006

Got cajones?

photo courtesy of Incentive Travel

I guess some people just don't get enough out of life as it is. Here are a few examples of things that would get the old adrenalin pumpin':

The Grand Canyon Skywalk Project in Arizona is unbelievable. Standing on 4-inch thick glass 4,000 feet directly above the canyon floor just doesn't sound appealling to me. Maybe to others but not to me. Check out some of the comments at the link above. They're freakin' hilarious.

If you like sharks, you can always go cage diving with Great Whites in South Africa. The only downfall: some of the smaller sharks can squeeze through the bars. Ummm...No thanks.

Running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain sounds kinda cool. Until you get gored to death, that is. Did you know that the encierro (the actual running away part) only lasts for 3 minutes?

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